Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Web of Lies

You can always tell when the dontard is lying, he is tweeting or talking.

Accepting that a certain portion of the population actually believes that there is a Government that conspires against its own citizens and that the moon landing was faked, just saying something outrageous has its advantages.

If nothing else it allows the real misdeeds to seem like they are no worse than the false ones perpetrated via these lies.

You wonder about some of the people who help this happen, since at least some of them actually had certain individual accomplishments and some credibility.

I guess the same thing might have been true about some members of the Nazi party when it formed.

The dontard is really not in the same league, he is more of a third world character.

Idi Amin rose to power in Uganda and spouted some of the most outrageous lies, which played in his home country for a while at least.

Of course it all came apart at some point.

It usually does.

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