Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Politically Crazy?

We live in a wonderful country where you can say almost anything without worrying about legal consequences or censorship.

There is a price to pay on social media if that might bother you but outside of direct threats or slander, you can express any opinion you want.

It doesn't mean the opinions won't be crazy and the consequences imposed by other expressing their opinions may be unpleasant.

Recently a we saw  prominent black entrepreneur express make a comment about how slavery was "a choice"?

That's no a politically incorrect statement its a crazy statement which seems to be part of his new persona.

Now I don't want to make too much out of a musician making statements that both get him attention and might therefore help his sales.

It remains to be seen the impact of that statement and some others that are controversial.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, except of course 400 years of slavery wasn't a choice, it was in fact a hard labor prison.

Slaves who made the choice to leave were captured, tortured, and killed.

The last one wasn't a good economic outcome so generally they were simply returned to servitude.

To say slavery was a choice isn't politically incorrect, its simply crazy.

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