Tuesday, May 22, 2018


You have to admire how professional media people manage to report ludicrous things without breaking down.

I had a long drive last night and listening to the news announcers report with a straight fact that the Attorney General and FBI are going to humor the dontard and the republican congress over things that are simply, well ludicrous is a credit to the professionalism they display.

First the FBI IG is going to investigate whether the FBI inserted a mole into the dontard's campaign when there would have been absolutely no reason to do so.  Everyone actually knows it didn't happen, but we have the clown president who tries to convince his followers he is being victimized by the deep state.

Meanwhile he comes down against workers every chance he gets, since well the owners are the important people, they have donation money.

The FBI is also going to humor the republicans in the house who have been trying to get them to disclose a confidential source.  Now confidential sources don't like to be exposed and they are promised such as part of their agreements.  Being exposed could expose them to significant risk and would make recruiting future CIs more difficult.

They are going to share some classified materials in private to assuage the morons trying to do this, but since the idea is to sling accusations to try to distract the public, doubt it will work.

Sadly the dontard is getting more and more desperate so this sort of thing will continue.

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