Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Sometimes what is purported to be news is not news at all.

Take yesterday's revelation that was made by the Israeli prime minister that he had thousands of documents that proved Iran had lied about having a nuclear program.

Of course the documents supposedly talk about project Ahmed and detail what Iran would have to have done to develop nuclear weapons.

This was about events that happened prior to the current agreement and I guess the point being made was that Iran had lied about its secret nuclear program.

Of course since the agreement makes them stop that development, not sure how much of a secret it really was.

Now of course another secret that was lied about was when the Israelis were developing nuclear weapons and told the world it wasn't.

Once again its not surprising that secret programs are in fact kept secret.

Is Iran violating the current agreement?

There doesn't seem to be any such evidence and we know that it is in Israel's best interests to keep Iran as weak as possible.

This may be a pre-arranged show that helps justify the dontard's pulling out of the deal.

Not at all sure the rest of the signees will go along with that and it's also uncertain what impact a unilateral withdrawal by the US has.

However, this news was not really anything surprising unless there is something much more damaging in the documents than what has been announced.

If it was there it would have been announced.

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