Sunday, May 6, 2018

Immigrant Caravan

Isn't it revealing how a rag tag caravan of mostly women and children have inspired so much fear in our dontard?

Its hard to imagine what he is so terrified of, but of course we know he has always been easily spooked.

We also know how he did everything he could to avoid military service when we still had the draft and has criticized people who actually served and suffered.

Whatever you think of our immigration laws and policies, people who show up on our border and request asylum are not actually doing anything wrong.

Possibly our system takes too long to adjudicate them and our system does odd things like separating families, but these are asylum seekers, who present themselves to authorities and request asylum.

They are not dangerous but our timid dontard has mobilized troops and is now talking about completely closing the border.

A few things are important to note.

Caravans like these represent not threat to anyone, except in some cases the actual participants who at times are preyed upon.

They aren't armed and they are generally families trying to escape violence in their home countries.

Very few of them are likely to actually get the asylum they seek so they are not going to swell the ranks of undocumented immigrants.

We have become less and less attractive as job opportunities have sprung up in countries like Mexico.

Even the dontard is now talking about allowing low skilled foreign laborers in to help the industries that rely on them.

Our immigration policy is being inspired by an ignorant coward, who seems terrified by his own shadow in many cases.


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