Sunday, May 20, 2018

Royal Wedding

Well there was a royal wedding which was filled with pomp and pageantry, not to mention a lot of hats.

It included a bit of a rags to riches story as an American actress of mixed heritage married Prince Harry and became the wife of the man who is sixth in line to the throne.

That pretty much guarantees he will never be king.

Still it created a lot of interest here as well as news coverage and provided a break from our tweeting dontard as people who have class demonstrated what that means.

The British monarchy is more of a figurehead serving as head of State, not head of Government.

It wasn't always like that and the history of the monarchy is an interesting read for those with a historical bent.

Today of course it only really has influence to the extent the country pays attention and the current Queen is a bit of an institution, having ruled so long and from all appearances so popularly.

Her son Charles may or may not ever get to be king, I sort of imagine he will, if much later in life than he once expected.

He is in some ways best known in this country for being the husband of Princess Di, who was very popular and had enough tragedy in her life to live on in many memories.

It was one of her sons getting married yesterday and the coverage pointed that out at least a few times.

Still as meaningless as the whole thing was to the world at large, it was a nice distraction and they had a beautiful English day in May to start their lives together.

I wish them the best.

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