Sunday, May 27, 2018

Memorial Day

On Memorial day we honor those who served and didn't return.

No greater sacrifice can be made in defense of freedom and our way of life.

It was not the intention of these men and women to give their lives, as General Patton remarked the  goal was to get the other poor bastard die for his country.  Still you don't serve without knowing the risks.

There is a lot of talk about how to demonstrate patriotism or showing respect for our country.

We live in a country that allows each of us the right to say what we want and to enjoy the freedoms these men and women died for.

We don't live in a country where everyone has to shout the same slogans or observe the same rituals.

We fought those countries which promoted nationalism over justice and blind compliance over diversity of thought.

Men and women serve for many different reasons now but in World War 2 it was pretty clear what we were fighting for and who we were fighting against.

Not many joined up with the hope of learning a skill, or getting post service benefits.

They fought to defend freedom and this country from tyranny.

Lets not start taking away the freedoms they gave their all for.

Honor them by fulfilling the promise of America.

All men are created equal with certain inalienable rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!

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