Friday, October 5, 2018

Being an American

I was just reading an article about a women in Florida who took offense at two women who were speaking Spanish to each other and accosted them.

Another women intervened and told her not to harass those women and the whole event escalated with the police eventually getting involved.

The original women who took offense got arrested apparently because she kept getting more and more outraged that the other "Americans" didn't agree with her.

Her position seemed to be that if you lived in this country you needed to learn English.

Or speak it, since it appears the women she accosted knew English but just felt more comfortable talking to each other in Spanish.

One of the things she was quoted as saying to the women who intervened was "You are going to lose this county"

This implies that some of us own this country and others are trying to take it away from us.  that has happened before, ask native Americans, but this country has evolved through many waves of immigrants in the past and survived and will certainly survive our immigration from our neighbors to the South.

In fact, we may see a reverse immigration of sorts as many retirees seek sunny inexpensive places to live.

Imagine our outrage if they were accosted in a foreign country for speaking English?

The idea that anyone has a right to dictate another's legal behavior for any reason is about as un-American as it gets.  The women who objected to the Spanish speakers has already lost her Americanism and is now simply a bigot trying to enforce absurd beliefs on others.

I doubt she will get it though.

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