Sunday, October 28, 2018

Campaigning on Hate

Lets be clear, the great, great majority of Americans do not commit hate crimes.

Having said that we do of course have that small group that does.

The rest of us condemn them but one of the problems we have today is that we are trying to find some underlying national motive for the acts of certain individuals.

Now we do have leadership that is fanning the flames for these people by increasing the overall animosity.  I saw an ad yesterday put out by some republican congressional organization that simply portrayed democrats as a liberal mob out to destroy American values and I think desecrate the flag.

The whole message should be offensive to anyone who sees it, but if you buy into that message at all, you probably should be sending bombs to the leaders of such a movement.

The are after all ready to take away your guns, desecrate the flag, control your heath insurance, increase the deficit, and generally do other bad things.

It ignores the current deficit increase under republican leadership and ignores that the last two times we had deficit reduction it was under democrats.

The message though doesn't try to do anything but frighten people into getting out to vote against this wave of socialist madness.

Someone must think it works, I understand it is part of a national campaign.

It is clearly aimed to portray certain people as, well enemies, to "us".

"Us" in this case being real Americans.

I would like to think that attacks like this don't work and don't influence people, but I'm afraid they do.

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