Monday, October 8, 2018

Pursuit of Happiness

I grew up in an America where what people did in private or even in public was pretty much their own business unless of course it directly impacted others.

The city was filled with people and stores where customs and even the languages spoken were extremely diverse.

Depending on where you were you could hear Italian, Spanish, Yiddish, Chinese or any number of other languages being spoken.

Yes English was the common language that everybody used to communicate with "others" but either because it was more comfortable or more private they talked among themselves in their native languages often.

No one cared.

Well maybe some people did, but they would be few and far between.

Similarly, people practiced various religions, or no religion at all and while the ones who followed the wrong religion were possibly dooming their immortal souls, it wasn't much of a public issue.

There were of course certain things that weren't socially acceptable and generally homosexuality was kept pretty private in most areas.

That has changed over time.

I'm sure it was too long a time for those who were discriminated against.

This is a country where the promise is that every man and woman is entitle to pursue happiness, it is an inalienable right, granted by the creator and which Governments are created to protect.

We, the people need to defend that right, not attack it because it is different than how we pursue happiness.

If you are a real American.

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