Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Greater Good

The latest report concerning the impact of human activity on Climate Change warns us that time is running out to prevent fairly catastrophic and expensive changes.

They cite a goal of limiting warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius to avoid the worst impacts.

The issue is that we are already pretty far down the rabbit hole on this and the impact of the carbon in the air is already causing consequences.

You can read the press release they issued below.

Climate Change Press Release 

The odds of the current administration taking any of this seriously is slim indeed and its easy to understand why.  It gets a lot of its support from the energy businesses that are reluctant to do anything that might eat into current profitability for future benefit.

This attitude isn't limited to that sector of our economy, most American industry is married to relatively short term profitability goals, not the state of the planet 10 years from now.

That is why the Governments have to force their hand by creating a level regulatory playing field so that companies that invest in a cleaner climate don't lose business to those who don't.

We instead are eliminating clean air regulations and allowing them to make additional short term profits while risking the future of all of us and our children.

It is true that these regulations cost money which makes the use of these fuels less profitable as they have to compete against renewable sources of energy.

It also lets us breathe better and keeps the water out of our basements.

Government should serve the needs of the many, not the few, even if the few has the most money for campaign donations.

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