Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Fiction and Reality

At this point in the election cycle we see fictional promises of tax cuts, accusations without merit and other outright lies in an attempt to sway voters or energize the Republican base.

Whether any of it will work remains to be seen, no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public, but some of the ranting fail any rational test.

The administration trumpeted about how it had reduced illegal immigration until it hadn't and then blamed the Democrats.

The great tax cut that did for little for the American public was a great success, until it wasn't and now they will pass a new one.

The deficit was going to be eliminated during his first term except it won't be and is in fact growing.

We are going to get respect from other nations, as soon as they stop laughing at us during a UN session

North Korea was going to eliminate its nuclear weapons, except it isn't.

He was going to fix health care, except it turned out to be complicated, at least for him.

In addition to being a sexual abuser himself, as caught on tape, he supports sexual abusers for significant appointments and makes fun of their victims.

He apparently thinks illegal aliens who get over the border are immediately allowed to vote.

He has disrupted the lives of the "Dreamers" who are in most cases as American as anyone and should be treated fairly.

He was going to expose the fraudulent voting, except he couldn't find any.

Its clear why his businesses have gone bankrupt multiple times, he doesn't understand the relationship between income and expenditures.

The fact that the economy is doing well, as it was when he entered office, is something, but it seems like he is trying to disrupt it and he hasn't fundamentally changed anything.

Well, he has added a lot of acrimony to the nation, its at an all time high.

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