Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Real Issues

Thee are real issues that need to be addressed in America and  none of them are related to what percentage of Native American anyone is.

Improving health care and providing adequate affordable care to all is important.

Making sure our immigration policy is sound and effective is another, and the use of a wall is probably not the answer.

Having a sound foreign policy that supports our allies and promotes world peace is another.

Making sure everybody gets treated equally no matter what race, religion or nationality they are.

Find affordable education opportunities for all our young while assuring teachers get adequate pay.

Supporting and enhancing law enforcement while making sure they apply the law fairly to all.

Balancing our expenditures and income so we can have a sound financial future gong forward.

Finding ways to eliminate the horrible incidents of mass shootings while making sure our citizens are allowed to safely own guns.

Improving our economy and providing opportunities for all our residents to find gainful employment if they are able.

Moving toward sustainable energy to limit the impact of climate change and reducing pollution.

Repairing or replacing our infrastructure to help commerce and industry.

Improving trade which generally is best done without tariffs.

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