Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Reality Show?

Social media is still in its early stages and it is going through a period where it has provided many outliers to get access they wouldn't have before it existed.

The issues it is exposing aren't new ones, they are just getting exposure where before they were relegated to certain extremist venues.

So the racism, misogyny, hate etc are out in the open for all to see and for maybe more than I would have thought to agree with.

Of course the fact that it appeals to some many is really the question, it wouldn't matter if everyone rejected it.

It exposes a problem in the heartland of America and some other countries where progress was much more confined to the big cities than we might have thought.

The pictures presented to us showed increasing diversity and acceptance, at least on our major media but the reality didn't match in many places.

Watching certain shows and seeing this inclusiveness was not in tune with the reality they lived, lost jobs, less opportunity and a belief that "other" people were getting all the help.

It was worse when they were told they had "white privilege", it didn't seem that way to them.

Of course the changes were because of economics and robotics more than any liberal plot to diversify the country

We are transitioning to a new economic system, not built on the labor intensive factories or workplaces of the past.  It requires different skill sets and flexibility that doesn't fit well into these traditional towns and homes.

The have to work twice as hard to do half as well while, in their minds, "others" have everything handed to them on a silver platter.

Its not reality, but its how they see it and when they see people on social media who share this worldview they feel confirmed.

Not everyone is sharing in the gains and that may be the biggest problem, the increasing income inequality as people are replace with machines and income is centralized.

Its not the immigrants.

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