Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Immigrants Made America Great

There is a narrative about how immigrants and refugees to this country come here to get generous handouts and benefits.

Certainly refugees get some help considering the fact that they are fleeing dangerous situations but immigrants , not so much.

Immigrants by and large are hard working, if struggling people who are trying to make a better life for their families.

If they come here illegally they generally get few , if any, benefits although their children are allowed to go to school generally.  Of course they are required to stay undetected.

If you look at the numbers they generally pay various taxes, sales taxes, social security taxes and income taxes without receiving the benefits associated with them.  Yes I suppose they benefit in the same way any other resident does from things like police protection, trash collection, etc. but not anything special and certainly not free Government programs.

legal residents on the other hand generally are eligible for most of the benefits a citizen is, except of course the right to vote.

Because they often end up in low paying jobs they o qualify in many cases for Medicaid and Food Stamps, but that is certainly not a luxurious suite of benefits.

Most civilized countries provide health care to all their people and Medicaid is in general not anything special.

Food stamps are probably the benefit they qualify for the most, but it isn't much of a handout or incentive to come here.

What they do get is the opportunity to build a future by working hard and giving their families some security often not available in their native countries.

This is the same as previous immigrants and what has made us the country we are today.

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