Thursday, October 18, 2018


Most people want to see their children, grandchildren and further descendants thrive.

It is probably our strongest instinctual feeling, since not caring for your offspring means they are unlikely to survive in nature.

We tend to think of their success in material and family terms but what good does any of that do if they inhabit a world more and more uninhabitable?

Its odd as people look at the world they live in and generally all they see are man-made cities, man-designed farms, man-designed livestock and pets and still deny that mankind is having an impact on this world.

Consider the air pollution and smog that we have in certain areas, the water contamination, the extinct species that can be associated directly with our activities.  Is it really hard to imagine that we are impacting the atmosphere as well, introducing or reintroducing carbon that wouldn't be there if not for us?

Climate change deniers are simply ignoring reality.

Yes the climate is also impacted by natural causes but those exist with or without us.

What we add is in addition to those causes and we have interrupted the natural order of events.

We are creating and have already created a new normal where the world is warmer and therefore has more energy.

Events that used to happen every 500 years are happening almost annually.

We have calculated the impact and our time is starting to run out, yet we do very little.

There is a saying that forewarned is forearmed.

In our case we are forewarned but foolishly doing almost nothing.

Unfortunately, the ones who will really suffer are future generations, our descendants.

What kind of legacy is that?

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