Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Lies and Respect

Its becoming harder and harder to keep up with the lies being crated at recent campaign rallies.

He has no restraint and is willing to completely fabricate things such as a mythical tax cut proposal, Democrats funding the refugee caravan, riots in California, Puerto Rico using disaster relief to pay national debts, etc. etc. etc.

I don't know if anyone believes any of this, I guess some will, but it has to be a pretty small group by now.

Some of his behavior comes across as somewhat desperate attempts to retain majorities in the House and Senate and based on the current state of things, he might actually be successful.

Public figures in this country have generally lost the respect of the public and with a clown president is it any wonder.

This is in fact the result of negative campaigning which seems to be the only actual campaigning that works.

Gallup finds 21% of U.S. adults approving and 73% disapproving of the way Congress is handling its job.  The current president has never been over 50% approval.

In recent Gallup polls the number one issue identified by Americans is Government and Leadership.

None of the leaders of either party garners much respect.  The attacks have reached new lows in many cases and aren't likely to abate.

This lack of trust in our Government and leadership is problematic.

It makes it hard to form any sort of national consensus and while certainly open debate of issues is desirable this constant attack of individuals is unprecedented.

It will require a significant change in behavior by our politicians before it improves.

Not sure that is going to happen any time soon.

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