Sunday, October 7, 2018

Real Americans

It remains to be seen how the public reacts to the recent controversy over the Supreme Court but it is clear that the Court is now fundamentally different than it has been in quite a while.

This is a reminder about how elections matter.

Obviously some are happy with the turn of events and they may remain happy for many years to come.

The real issue is whether America is in fact reverting to a conservative ethic or if we are seeing the results of a clever well financed plan to manipulate the political landscape.

The appeal is to older white American who have been convinced that the America they grew up in is being destroyed by progressives who want to make the country a haven for people who don't "deserve" it.

Its that word that tends to resonate and which of course is entirely subjective.

For those who were fortunate enough to be born into this country in a traditional type of family, somehow that makes you different than the newcomers or those who because of historical circumstances grew up in urban ghettos often in single parent homes.

There has been an initiative to overcome some of these historical forces and allow disadvantaged people to have similar opportunities to mainstream Americans but this is viewed as preferential treatment and they should have to earn their place in America.

How they are supposed to do this when blatant discrimination and bigotry has kept them in a cycle of poverty and crime from the day they were born is difficult to fathom.

Still they shouldn't be handed things on a platter when it comes at the expense of real Americans.

In addition we have all these people with perverted values about lifestyles and families who are demanding the right to live their lives freely without prejudice.

Fairness and equality for all, how un-American can you get?

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