Monday, October 29, 2018


Every time there's a shooting we have people saying its time to do something real instead of simply lamenting the horror and mourning the dead.

Each time nothing happens.

The gun lobby has decided that even conceding an inch is a slippery slope to gun control.

I do agree with them to some degree that the problem isn't the guns, its the people who use them to kill, but they couldn't do it without the guns.

Identifying and restricting their access t guns is opposed because it concedes something on that slippery slope.

There were a lot of groups this weekend in support of the innocent lives lost in Pittsburgh.  I don't think the speeches and the symbolism will solve anything, it isn't reaching the right people.

Its an odd thing the way hate groups act.

They engage in these terrorist activities, although we often don't refer to them that way, without a clear objective or message, except I guess hate.

Islamic terrorists generally want Israel and Western support for Israel to be eliminated.

Not an acceptable goal but one I understand.

There doesn't seem to be a reason for these attacks except just hate.

Guess that's all they need.

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