Monday, October 22, 2018

Legal Discrimination?

Sometimes you see something that just makes you wonder.

There is apparently a proposal circulating in administration to define sex as what is on your original birth certificate.

This will essentially deny transgender and others who redefine their gender identities of certain rights and protections.

I gather this is to appease certain Evangelical sects that find this conflicts with the bible, which for them is fine, but we are not supposed to have a national religion.

I honestly will admit the current status of gender identity isn't something I really understand except to believe based on current knowledge that the individuals face significant challenges in their lives already.

However the idea of subjecting them to discrimination for political purposes is just unacceptable.

Those who argue that treating them as the gender they identify as conflicts with the "natural order of things" or subjects "normal" children and people to inappropriate situations.

That natural order of things has been used to justify so many practices, such as slavery, or sexual abuse that we now know are not the "natural order" of things.  Other things like bisexuality are in fact part of the natural order of things, but not the only part.

I haven't seen any evidence that people with gender issues are causing problems for others.  They are historically the ones who have been the victims because they are different.

To take a step back and subject them to legal issues related to their natural lifestyle is opening the door to other abuses by the Government.

Lets hope it doesn't happen.

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