Saturday, October 20, 2018

Eye of the Needle?

I'm not an expert on every religion but I believe most if not all have provisions about how to deal with people less fortunate than you, and in general you are supposed to help them as best you can.

Yet so many people who claim to be religious object to doing just that, at lest when the Government does it.

Some might argue that Government programs don't properly identify the needy or that they are inefficient, but it would seem wouldn't apply when talking about refugees from war zones or people suffering from identifiable diseases.

It of course starts to strike home when it involves things like cuts to Social Security or Medicare, which isn't perceived in the same way.

The objection seems to be to the payment of taxes the use to help others.

Our so called entitlement programs.

Now many of us don't think of Social Security as an entitlement program, but its not a savings plan.

Its designed to give a proportionately higher benefit to lower income earners which makes it a calculated progressive benefit.

Everyone does contribute to it but if it was converted into something like a 401K program, poor workers would be harmed greatly while higher income earners would do better.

One of the reasons its popular with the Republicans.

People who claim to be religious folk mostly.

Other entitlement programs like food stamps, Medicaid, Affordable Health Insurance etc are also under attack by these folks who appear to worship the almighty dollar more than any religious principle such as feed the hungry, comfort the sick or help the poor.

They hear these things on Sunday but they just don't seem to be paying attention.

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