Saturday, October 13, 2018

Health Care

Health care as an issue has become form the polls something that benefits the Democrats.

The Republicans are trying to paint the proposals by Bernie Sanders about universal Medicare as a expensive socialist Democratic proposal but it remains to be seen how successful that is.

What voters discovered after the Republicans tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act is that they like an awful lot of it.

This just shows how poorly it was explained to them when it was first passed.

Many Americans were sold on it being a Government takeover of health care with 'death panel", loss of choice, terrible coverage and restrictions on treatment when it was none of those things.

The benefits it provided have become clear to the public over time and the disasters predicted never happened.

This isn't going to stop the lies and propaganda from the republicans and the faux fox network but the public has seen it in action and likes what they see, in general.

The party of the few is forced to use lies and deception to convince the many that it cares about them.

It simply doesn't, except for their votes.

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