Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Its pretty easy to see the game plan of the people trying to get a our supreme court nominee confirmed.

At first they resisted investigating the claims, as credible as they were and when finally inn order to try to get the swing votes they agreed to an investigation, it was very limited in scope.

They have attacked the whole thing as a Democratic ploy to derail the nominee, which is interesting in that it doesn't address the issues of excessive drinking and sexual abuse that is in his background.

We now see the dontard out spreading this narrative while also claiming to be allowing the FBI the ability to do as much investigating as they want, in one week though.

Finally the hope is that an inconclusive FBI report will sway the moderate republicans to vote for the nominee after which any future revelations become irrelevant.

It may succeed but the real question is why, with the significant questions concerning his behavior and the fact that his resume isn't outstanding in any respect from many others are they going to the mat for him?

He is a reliable republican operative who can be counted on to support republican causes for decades.

His whole career has demonstrated this and it is the single most qualifying attribute he has.

The fact that he was able to attend prestigious schools is a reflection of his families money not his abilities.

Considering the amount of drinking and partying he obviously did he couldn't have been a great one.

It seems like he had influence via his father in all the right circles and was able to slide fairly effortlessly into the positions he held, where he demonstrated he held partisanship above truth and justice.

He is simply a terribly nominee and he demonstrates why the filibuster rule was there to guarantee that any nominee could muster at least some bipartisan support.

He may get confirmed or maybe some of the Senators will realize how toxic he actually is to our ideals of justice and morality.


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