Monday, October 15, 2018


Once again the dontard has gone on National TV and acted like all the scientists in the world are conspiring together about climate change.

The idea that the data itself is making them all draw the same conclusions apparently didn't occur to him.

He appears to be one of the remaining few who hold to that opinion and his belief seems to be that it is some sort of attempt to get us to lose some competitive advantage.

The biggest competitive advantage would be to shift as much energy into renewable since it would require absolutely no imports.

We are going to need to continue to harness some fossil fuels and logically they should be the cleanest ones possible which in never coal.

It is possible to use coal if we scrub the emissions or capture the carbon, but to continue to burn it recklessly is to invite large scale glacier melting and rising sea levels.

Its a mystery to the dontard and he thinks it might just reverse itself.

The part that is due to natural causes does vary, but our emissions of carbon into the atmosphere is a one way street.

It also looks like we may be seeing an uptick in volcanic activity which is natures way of releasing carbon.

Fake news, fake science are not problems.

Fake politicians are.

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