Monday, July 22, 2019

Bag of Nothing

Its hard to believe that anyone takes anything the dontard says seriously, but I guess some do.

When the media details the lies and exaggerations they just think its some sort of liberal plot to undermine him.

The fact that there is usually empirical evidence, statistics, recordings or videos to demonstrate the lies is ignored.

Sometimes the contradictions are ironic, such as when he accuses his opponents of badmouthing America when they are doing no worse than he did during his campaign.

His patriotism was not strong enough for him to serve in the military, but he wraps himself in the flag when he can, mimicking the patriots who give their lives and have their coffins draped.

It is obvious he has not respect for his supporters, who as he said would still support him if he murdered someone in public.

Oddly he has done nothing to gain this admiration, he has absolutely no record of being anything except a spoiled rich person who got on a TV show.

The only real explanation is that they liked him because of his racist and misogynist rants on twitter.

Guess he knows his audience.

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