Sunday, July 21, 2019

This Land Is Our Land

America belongs to all of us.

No one group or ethnicity or religion can claim it.

It is we the people, not some of the people, all of the people.

You may like everything about it, or you may want to improve it, but either way, its still your country.

I may find some of what you espouse to be despicable, but it doesn't change the fact that America is big enough for everyone.

You can't define what other people believe is best, although of course you, like them have the right to express your opinion.

So do they.

Changing polices or positions is a very American thing to do, we after all started out that way.

When you condemn someone's opinion as being un-American, you are wrong.

The Bill of Rights defines the right to free speech and freedom to assemble, not just the right to bear arms.

You can look it up if you want.

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