Sunday, July 7, 2019

Under Attack!

If we were under attack by a world of aliens who were polluting our planet with a noxious gas that would start to make it uninhabitable, I imagine our response would be to stop them at all costs.

Of course the aliens in this scenario turns out to be us as we continue to poison the world we live in.

Most are aware of the danger, including most world leaders, but a few including our dontard refuse to accept the scientific evidence and is willing to risk our future so his pals won't have to lose some profits.

Its a losing battle since every day more and more evidence is convincing more and more people that climate change is real and its impact will be wide ranging and catastrophic.

Some might have thought it would be restricted to some coastal areas, but the increased energy of a warmer earth is going to make changes and increase storms everywhere.

Most of us have taken steps to reduce energy use and help to reduce dangerous emissions, but we need industry to live up to its duty to be good citizens of this planet.

They will have to live here too.

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