Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Improving Kidney Treatment

One of the things that has always been prominent in American politics is that efficiency is a secondary concern. The primary concern is getting re-elected and to do that you have to help the people who can help you.

All else being equal they politicians are of course OK with efficiency but not if it hurts a major donor or important constituent.

Even some of our most vocal fiscal conservatives find ways to play this game, often developing convoluted arguments explaining why a specific program that happens t help your donors is essential.

It is often so convoluted in practice that millions or billions can be save if a few essential reforms are pushed through.

Today we see a proposal designed to rationalize much of the donation process.  Just a few common sense changes related to kidney disease could lead to significant health advantages as well as significant savings.

Dialysis is the worst form of treatment, even though it does save lives.  Much better treatment is a Kidney transplant or adopting in home dialysis like many of our European friends do.

The latest proposals are outlined in the following article.

Organ Transplant

Its a product of the current administration but much of what is proposed is simply common sense solutions.  It is likely to be opposed by many for that reason, but it seems to actually address some real issues.  It should be considered on its merits no matter the source.

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