Monday, July 15, 2019

Win First, Explain Later

Throughout history wars were won by the stronger, not the nicer.

Up through the colonial period and continuing today, warriors overcame, killed, enslaved and raped peaceful peoples who were, well there.

The victims weren't necessarily nice but generally they were trying to live their lives, raise their families, have a future when one day invaders would swoop down on them, overwhelming any defense they had and doing whatever they wanted.

While in America we focus on the African Slave Market since many of the victims ended up as slaves here, but we were generally guiltier as we effectively wiped out the Native Americans who were here.

Guiltier is a subjective term and there is plenty of guilt in both instances.

Unfortunately these are not isolated instances.  To our south the Spanish and the Portuguese were doing similar atrocities,

Of course this followed a long tradition of the strong imposing their will on the weak.

We would like to think we live in a more civilized time, but the reality is human nature hasn't changed and we see examples of this frequently.

People will do almost anything to win and failure to enforce any rules we have is the same as not having rules.

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