Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Today we are witnessing testimony that will almost certainly accomplish nothing.

Still it will provide some decent campaign sound bites and may get some people to realize that the report did not clear the dontard.

Sitting Presidents are generally exempt from criminal prosecutions,  They are instead subject to impeachment which replaces the criminal process.

The report details a number of activities that appear to be criminal obstruction but of course a series of facts isn't a crime until it is tried.

Whether impeachment proceedings are brought is an open question.

Whether they are is probably more a political decision than a legal one.

The house serves in a way the same way a grand jury serves, to determine if the impeachment should be filed.

However the senate than takes it on as the final decider, requiring a 2/3 majority to convict.

It isn't going to happen.

The House might go ahead and file articles of Impeachment but the Senate won't convict.

Knowing this the politics take over as to whether the process would help or hinder candidates in the next election.  There is no clear evidence of that.

These hearings may influence the public enough to sway the decision.

They may not.

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