Friday, July 12, 2019

Not Open Borders

One of the things that is often misrepresented is the idea of decriminalizing immigration.

If you change it back to a civil violation instead of a criminal one, the main difference is how they are treated.  In a civil proceeding the issue will come down to the lack of documentation and failure to produce or obtain it will still lead to deportation.  It won't lead to people being locked in cages and separated from their families until it plays out.

Failure to show up for a hearing will result in warrants and make the offense more serious.

If your image of the undocumented people is a bunch of criminals and rapists who are intent on violating our laws this will not seem like a good policy.

However that describes very few of the undocumented people in this country.

They and their families are generally simply behaving like all previous immigrants have.

The problem is simply what standard should we apply to hard working people simply trying to lead a better life.

I think treating them like people and the good neighbors they are is appropriate.

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