Thursday, July 25, 2019

Televised Boredom

Watching the televised hearings was a good way to waste some time but it wasn't entertaining.

It wasn't supposed to be.

He conducted a two year investigation into election tampering by a foreign government and possible obstruction of justice.  He wrote a two volume report that detailed his investigation and findings.

The report is a pretty boring document in the tradition of almost all government reports ever written but it does represent the official findings of the investigation.

It was intended for congress to be used to determine if further action was required.

The report has been used for political purposes and in that vein they decided to make the leader of the effort testify.

He stood by his report, as he should, and didn't provide any bombshells.  In fact he was careful after a career in Government service to respond in a careful measured way.

In today's world of short attention spans and politics above all else, nether party got what they wanted, a response that would provide fodder for their election campaigns.

Some got to make little speeches, disguised as questions, but we know pretty much as much as we did before the hearings.

Some late night shows criticized the whole thing as boring, well it wasn't supposed to be entertaining.

For that you have the clown show in the white house.

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