Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Need a Leader

I watch the debates and have some issues with the format.

The idea is to provide the voters in the democratic primaries an opportunity to select a candidate to lead the country for the next four years.

Yes after that candidate is selected he/she will need to defeat the republican and third party candidates.

To do that the candidate will need to display the leadership qualities needed to lead a great country.

The candidates aren't really provided an opportunity to display that in the format presented.

The country needs a leader to address the serious issues in health care, climate change, the economy, world trade, immigration  and others.

Whether the answers include Medicare for all or some other system is something we as a nation will need to decide.  The debates turned these important issues into arguments over details.

Our last candidate was full of details, but failed to inspire the American people.

Details are in fact boring for most of us.  National Health Care for all is the goal.

Sensible Immigration Policy is the goal, a fair tax system is the goal, a livable climate is the goal.

I don't know if it is the format or the candidates, but the whole thing bored me.

Where is the inspirational leader?

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