Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Who Gets to be Free?

One of the things about America is that everyone is free from having to conform to specific tenets.

Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of thought are all part of our heritage.

We have had certain times when some freedoms were curtailed and we didn't always extend those freedoms to everyone (i.e. slavery) but we now have constitutional protection that require all to be treated equally, or do we?

We are seeing a number of movements that threaten our freedoms.

One of these, and one often condemned by the conservatives and libertarians is political correctness.  However, political correctness is not a Government policy, it is enforced by public opinion and while it may act like a bully forcing people to conform it is still not official.

We are now seeing a movement tied to the President of the United States trying to make America less diverse.

Admittedly much of his agenda is being challenged but it is in fact offensive that a public official even attempts to make everyone conform to some set of standards that restrict their freedom.

He clearly envision an America with white, Christian, people and if you don't fit that mold he would prefer that you leave, or at least stay quiet.

Everyone gets to be free, whatever your race or religion.  It shouldn't be up for debate.

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