Friday, July 5, 2019

Heaven Now or Later?

One of the great issues in human history has been the struggle between the haves and the have nots.

The have  nots generally greatly outnumber the haves so the haves have invented various ways to maintain control.

One of the most powerful of these forces is religion, since it promises so much in return for obedience today.

Religion exists everywhere because it is needed to maintain the social order.

Of course we are all entitled to our religious beliefs but one should wonder why a being with absolute power and infinite wisdom would need some of his creations to worship him?

Still believe what you want but realize that the promises being made are unenforceable if they don't materialize.

It seems like time would be better spent pursuing equality and justice here rather than letting the haves continue to control everything.

In the stories about Jesus he attacked the organized religion of his time, driving the money changes our of the temple.

Wonder what he would think of all the money involved in religion today?

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