Friday, July 26, 2019

Intelligent Design?

An old saying goes that the thing you lost is always in the last place you look for it.

It might take a second but of course you stopped looking after you found it.

Similarly there is an argument is support of the existence of God called intelligent design, simply that the world and its creatures are too complex to be random.

If evolution and nature were random it might have some validity, but nature is the one searching for the lost item, except it never gives up.

The planet is loaded with evidence of creatures that thrived for long periods only to go extinct and be replace by more successful ones.

The mutations are random but only the successful ones survive, driving out the ones that don't work as well.

In fact the evidence of features that we lost over time, like vestigial tails, shows the fallacy o intelligent design.  Why add a feature never used or even needed?

Of course evolution is the most intelligent and the most cruel designer.

The only way to survive is to outcompete other organisms.

We have done that.  Now we need to figure out how to survive ourselves.

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