Saturday, July 27, 2019

Health Care

It should be fairly obvious that every person should be entitled to good health care.

We have however developed into a country where that is not true.

Some people simply cannot afford to get adequate care, and that is a shameful thing.

Some argue that ultimately everyone can get treated, if they are persistent, but of course in some cases they will have to lose everything first.

It may or may not be something you care about if you feel you are covered, but it should be.

Especially if the parts of the Affordable Care Act that mandated that pre-existing conditions be covered and the expansion of Medicaid are eliminated.

Most Americans are aware of this but there are still some conservatives trying to eliminate the law.

They don't like Medicare or social security either.

It should be a clear goal that everyone is entitled to good health care, no matter their individual status.

Some may be able to afford extras, but all of us should be covered.

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