Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Proud Americans

What does it mean to be proud to be an American?

If you were simply born here its more a matter of chance than anything else.

Yes someone in your past took the risk of coming here but how does that justify any sense of accomplishment by you.

Clearly, some have served this country and risked their lives in the military. A few others have done things that are certainly a credit to themselves and the country in some way.

But the vast majority of the people who are proud were simply been born here.

They may be good citizens, or they may have been is trouble a few times, still they are Americans born and raised here.

Should they be proud or should they just accept that they haven't done anything special?

They have gotten to live in one of the richest countries that ever existed and reap those benefits, to some extent at least.

We are about to celebrate independence day, when the founding fathers decided to risk their lives and declare independence.

It worked out and here we are, enjoying the freedom they helped win for us.

Celebrate them, and think about what you have done or could do to make the country better.

It probably doesn't involve hate or guns.

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