Thursday, July 18, 2019

Send Her Back? Send Him Home!

One of the things that people who gather in large group like to do is chant.

Not being a psychologist, I can't explain why, but its fairly easy to get a large group of people to join in a chant.

This has been a staple at Trump's rallies with "Lock her Up" being the popular chant of last year.

While of course there was no real chance of that happening, the chant was popular being rhythmic and it at lest had some relevance in terms of the accusations related to the e-mail server.

We now see that chant replaced by an un-American and racist chant of send her back.  The fact that the chant is directed at an American citizen who happens to have come here as a child and at American Women who were born here is despicable.

All Americans have the right to criticize the Government and speak their minds, its part of free speech and freedom of assembly.  To incite a mob to demand citizens be sent away is just wrong.

The pretense of being non-racist is gone and we now have a clear picture of the underlying evil of the man.

I think we should adopt the more appropriate chant of Send Him Home.  It is just better in every way.

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