Thursday, July 11, 2019

Census Counting

The constitution requires us to count all the people in the United States every ten years.

It doesn't matter if they are citizens or not, they are supposed to be counted.

The current attempt to include a citizenship question is clearly designed to not count a certain portion of the population, real people who live here but aren't going to submit a census if that question is there.

Even if you want to argue that they should be rounded up and deported, our constitution also protects us from self incrimination which in effect this would be.

The supreme court has rejected the convoluted argument of the administration and now it seems like they will try to circumvent the decision.

The fact that they are blatantly trying to manipulate the required census for political purposes should be no surprise.

They care about nothing except perpetuating themselves in power.

The census is not about that.

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