Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Afghanistan? Do You Care?

 Realistically Americans don't really care about Afghanistan.  Many of them couldn't find it on a map.  Outside of being a major supplier of Opium we have no great interest there except to keep others out.

Yes it let terrorists train in the hills but lets not forget that when they were fighting the Russians we financed a lot of what they had.  Knocking our the terrorist camps was worthwhile but we overstayed out welcome, if we ever had one.

The Taliban are not nice people or maybe they are, depending upon how you feel about fundamentalist fanatics who put the teachings of a religion over the rights of individuals.  We tolerate and to some extent encourage similar behavior here.  We have groups who would deny anyone who doesn't conform to their views of religion basic human rights.

Still the news is turning it into a spectacle and until that ends Americans think they care.

They don't and once it's no longer on the news we will realize that.

I feel sorry for the people who are going to be oppressed under the Taliban but its really up to them to put a stop to it.  

We have our own oppressed people to worry about.

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