Friday, August 20, 2021

Guns vs Tweets

 Well the pen might be mightier than the sword but the recent events in Afghanistan prove twitter isn't.

The twitter verse is pretty universally anti-Taliban  but the Taliban doesn't seem to care.

I like to follow certain people who I respect to see what they say about certain issues.  I sometimes agree and sometimes disagree but that's life.

I also like to follow humorous people because, well, sometimes they make me laugh.

I imagine some young people might be influenced by "influencers" to buy a particular product but that is really just advertizing.

I don't think you can use twitter to get the mood of America like some Media try to.

Too much of it is managed and manipulated by certain groups.

The followers of some politicians are lucky if they know how to turn on a computer or install a phone app, yet they have tons of twitter followers.

How many are real?

Does anyone care?

Twitter can be fun and at times informative but in the scheme of things its just a glorified chat room representing nothing at all.

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