Saturday, August 21, 2021

Hurricane Roulette!

 When you live where I do you play a game of hurricane roulette every year.  Most years you do OK, but every so often its terrible and knocks power out for days.

There are some things you can do to mitigate that but the solutions are a bit costly and the payoff a bit uncertain.  Now we are watching a hurricane churning up the warm Atlantic with expected landfall  close to here.  

Its still uncertain how much impact and our power company is notifying us how prepared they are.  

It is also still early in the season and what it seems is once an route is used, the same conditions lead to it being used again by the next one or two..

Its not a great game, this hurricane roulette. Winning gets you nothing at all except what you already have while losing is dangerous and expensive.

Well here w go again!

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