Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Covid 19 Follies

 What is the ultimate outcome of Covid 19?  We know that if you are vaccinated it is a very minor threat but still a minor threat.  If you are not vaccinated it is still a major threat.

People continue to refuse getting vaccinated and oddly there seems to be a bit of a cottage industry encouraging that behavior.  As long as we have large numbers of vulnerable people, the virus will continue to mutate to become more infectious.  Its actually pretty simple natural selection, whatever virus infects the most people the fastest becomes dominant.

The danger here is that the virus could create a variant that the vaccine doesn't work against.  This is more likely the larger the infected pool is. This is why the unvaccinated pose a threat to others as well as themselves since they provide a pool of hosts to help the virus mutate.

The good news is that vaccination is a one way street.  Once you are, you are.

The fact that there is such resistance to the vaccine is based on what I can only call bad faith messaging that the vaccine is more dangerous than the virus.  It just isn't and it isn't hard to know that.

Of course some people seem convince that scientists are determined to hurt the public.  There are people who oppose long established vaccines over discredited studies and rumors.

Still, the people who resist the vaccine will fade as they see the impact on their fellow travelers.  While its true that certain people have a good chance to survive even if they get it, enough will die that it might impact more to get vaccinated.  

It is a one way street, so more and more people will be vaccinated.  

It may end up being much like the seasonal flu eventually.  It may be forgotten when the next virus comes and is 10 times worse.

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