Thursday, August 19, 2021

Can We Learn the Lesson Now?

 After Vietnam, most Americans felt it was a lesson learned.  What Americans have to remember is that we are the new country in the World concerning our history and culture.

What we used to call the old world, which included Europe, Asia and Africa, developed their cultures over centuries if not millenia.

Why exactly they developed the way they did is something for anthropology to figure out but regardless they have long successful cultures and they are not all ready to turn into America.

We think we are the trend leader but right there is where we are wrong.  Most of the world isn't following trends, they are living life.

Certainly in many cities around the World you may get the impression that American culture is supreme and it might be in cities where the more modern and consumer oriented population lives, but even there it is more of a veneer than part of the culture.

Hopefully those who adopted American ways will not be punished.  Some of them, especially some young women may be forced to revert to a lifestyle they thought they had left behind.

Maybe this time we will learn that the only way to spread our beliefs and culture is by example and not everyone will be convinced.  I'm not sure much of this country is when you see the recent activities of anti-democratic behavior.

Is Afghanistan the same as Vietnam?  You would never confuse the two countries but you might confuse our forces is they didn't wear different types of camouflage.

Unfortunately the boxes they come home in at times remain the same.  

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