Sunday, August 1, 2021

Gullible, not Moronic

I was on a q&A forum where someone posed a question about how the mainstream media could portray nearly half of America as moronic for supporting Trump.  The answer there was a series of pictures of moronic Trump supporters.  However the question is wrong to start with.

A certain percentage of Trump supporters may be moronic, probably that is true in any large group, but most are not and aren't portrayed that way.  The ones that dress as Shamans or do ridiculous things get portrayed the way they want to.  

Its similar to seeing pictures of women in very revealing clothing and attributing that to every women.  We are a nation of individuals who cover the spectrum of humanity.

It should be noted that Republicans and Trump supporters seem to believe things that have been proven wrong.  The election was not stolen and covid was not a hoax.  Certainly this is not true of all of them but far too many.

I think the bigger mystery is why anyone ever believed in Trump in the first place.  As a New Yorker he was throughout his life in the public eye, and not generally favorably.  He was rich, famous and able to get away with a lot.  He did manage to keep his brand in the public eye and for most of his business ventures after the first round of failures, that was his source of income.  At least until the Apprentice TV show.

It seems that he had so little real work he could ply the late night internet and push some conspiracy theories, like the birther one.  

To the extent that his followers believe anything he says is surprising but he has picked up his topics from right wing Australian media.  

They are being scammed for money and what they are told is whatever polls best.

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