Friday, August 27, 2021

Honor Our Hero's, Be Smart

The manipulators are out in force trying to convince people, anybody really, that all the problems were caused in the last six months.

They ignore the fact that things got pretty messy in the last one.  Still the new administration has to clean up the mess and doing so requires a bit of time and a little patience. 

Afghanistan is almost solved but the fact that we lost Americans at the airport to a terrorist attack is terribly sad.  This was executed by elements of ISIS that while reduced were clearly not eliminated.  We need to avenge these men but what they want is the big bad Americans to stay so they can recruit.

Our continued presence is how they convince young people that we are the invaders and that they need to fight us. 

Staying in Afghanistan would be a terrible mistake and we don't look like we are taking the bait.  How and when we retaliate can be judged after its executed.

Who's to blame for the attack at the airport?  One might say security was bad but the situation is somewhat chaotic.  The large crowds outside the fence presented an easy opportunity and the fact that they were able to get close enough to also impact our troops might be something to be adjusted.  

Not that killing civilians is OK but we live in a world where a suicide bomber can find crowds and kill people fairly easily.  That isn't an effective strategy if it is the people you are trying to win over.

We aren't taking the bait.

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