Thursday, August 5, 2021

Its Medical, Not Political

 There are a number of issues in this country that we need to address and we can discuss what ones are the most serious and whether any constitute a "crisis".  Not sure how others measure that, certainly I think climate change is a crisis but the only issue out there right now hospitalizing and killing significant numbers of American is the virus.

For some reason this disease which could care less who you voted for or what beliefs you hold has become political.

Its not cut we are.  I was reading about a Texas covid denier who caught covid and died.  Sadly my first reaction was a bit mean spirited.  Here was a fellow citizen who was convinced somehow that the virus was a hoax or not dangerous who paid the ultimate price.  He leaves a wife and child and he joins the many thousands of victims, many of whom thought they were safe.

At times the virus seems to strike quickly and with a deadliness that I don't think is fully appreciated.  

If you have avoided the virus so far by taking precautions, you have been lucky.  With the new variant and  many people easing precautions your luck is being tested.

It may only take one exposure to get the virus.  How sick ou get is uncertain but one possible outcome is death.  

Get the vaccine.

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