Saturday, August 7, 2021

Calling Evil Wrong is OK

 We have news channels in this country that encourage hate and racial animosity because it is profitable to do so.  So many of us want to have someone to blame and these channels provide us targets.

They cater to our worst instincts and while often complaining about how others are trying to control us, spend a lot of time controlling us.

Its hard to watch any news event without getting an opinion included.  I don't watch most "news" channels but even on local news they often spin the event. 

When you see crime reported that involves a white family, the motive tens be  unknown while  in minority family they often report that connections to gang or drugs are undetermined. Now the motive may end up being exactly the same but in that first report the minority case got associated with drugs and gangs.  This will impact the viewers.

This is the problem with bias.  You get it growing up from observations and comment you hear.  You also get some visual reinforcement if you notice behavior changes in the presence of certain people.

It is part of the fabric of our society.

When you go to school you should be shown what America should be.  That's not indoctrination its information.  We have a history that was unfair to many people and those impacts last.

We had slavery in this country and slavery was wrong.  I can't think of any reason that one people can simply enslave people who look different then them.  

Were all slave owners evil?  Yes but some were more evil than others.  

Still, they were all guilty of treating another person as property.

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