Saturday, August 14, 2021

Bringing our Boys Home (Women Too)

 It seems highly probable that the Taliban is going to retake Afghanistan now that we are leaving.  There are two issues with them that are troublesome.  They practice a fundamental version of Islam that deprives Women of rights we think they should have.  Of course we have fundamental Christians in this country trying to do something similar.  Second they consider Western Culture and us specifically as the embodiment of the devil.  That position is the more troublesome to us directly.

Afghanistan allowed terrorists training camps before 9-11 which ultimately led to the 9-11 attacks.  Is why we went in there in the first place.  The diversion to Iraq was misguided by most accounts although getting rid of Saddam was a good thing.  However we are not going to go around the world invading countries that have dictators in charge.  

Does Afghanistan now re-emerge as a terrorist training ground?  What about the people in Afghanistan now marked as enemies of the State because they worked with us while we were there?

We can't send in American troops where ever we don't like a regime.  We also can't stay in Afghanistan forever and whenever we leave we will have the same issues.

We do need to monitor hostile activity and if certain of it intervene.

Bring our boys home is always a good option.

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